Over the past 16+ years Studio 3X has offered a variety of gay porn sites including blogs, a tube site, and a forum where porn is discussed. Except for the forum, our sites have been moved onto a custom platform (s3x_PORN) with integrated blogs, tubes, galleries, pornstar profiles, etc.

Niche Site(s)
Bareback Porn #BBBH
Vanilla Porn Spunk Bud
Oral Sex Oral Pig
Hardcore Fetish Twisted Pig
Safe-For-Work Erotica Male Prime

The s3x_PORN database is quite large…

  • Number of pornstars: 25,754
  • Pornstars with headshots: 5,190
  • Number of scenes: 56,966 (some of which are full DVDs)
  • Number of images: 1,143,736
  • Number of crops we've made off images (not including headshots): 104,787

In other words, we're working with a lot of data, AND we've got about 67,853 content zips we haven't processed and integrated into our database yet (probably another 700,000 images). Our goal is to be the authoritative source for all things related to gay porn.